Hints and tips on how to brew the best tasting coffee

Hints and tips on how to brew the best tasting coffee

Coffee is more than just a morning addiction. For most of us, it’s a ritual, a passion, and some might say, even an art form! Brewing your coffee correctly will ensure you have the best taste experience to reveal the full spectrum of flavours and aromas that your Sabreno beans have to offer. Here are some essential tips for brewing the perfect cup followed by our recommendations depending on your preferred brewing method.

When to use your beans:

Your Sabreno beans will be shipped super fresh with the roasting date stamped on the bottom of each bag. The ideal window of time to brew your coffee is between 2-4 weeks from the roasting date. Although it may be a juggle, for coffee snobs like us, we find it's worth banking our beans so they can be used in this window. 

Grind your own beans:

Whilst we provide pre-ground beans for different brewing methods, you'll always get the best result by ordering whole beans and using a grinder that can be adjusted to create the perfect cup. This is because as the coffee ages, the grind will need to be made finer in order to achieve the optimum extraction and flavour. Most modern espresso machines come with built in adjustable grinders. There are also some great stand-alone units available as well. If you're not doing this already, we recommend investing in some good quality equipment to use with your Sabreno coffee beans.


One of the most important steps to ensure freshness, is to store your beans correctly. Always use an air-tight enclosure. We have conveniently supplied your Sabreno coffee in a press seal bag that allows you to keep it fresh. The important thing is that it's only opened when needed and that your beans are kept in a cool, dry place and out of direct sunlight. Please do not keep them in the fridge as excess condensation may make your grind gluggy. 

Using an Espresso Machine:  

This will give you the most control over your coffee taste. The aim is to extract the coffee for between 23 - 30 seconds which should leave you with between 35 - 50ml of extracted coffee in your cup.

- Grind Size: Ensure your coffee is finely ground but not powdery. If you end up with too much coffee in your cup, this means the grind is too course and under-extracted. Your coffee will taste weak and bitter. On the flip side, if there is hardly any coffee in your cup after extraction, the grind maybe too fine which has led to over-extraction and clogging. 

- Tamping: If your coffee machine doesn't tamp for you, be sure to tamp the coffee with consistent pressure to ensure even extraction. 

- Extraction Time: Brew your espresso for 23 - 30 seconds. Watch the flow closely. It should look like warm golden honey and produce between 35 - 50ml of gorgeous coffee. If you have too much or too little coffee in your cup, you'll need to adjust your grind size.

- Water Temperature: Some cafe coffee tastes burnt. In order to bring out the flavours fully, we recommend setting the brewing water temperature to 92°C - 95°C. 

- Milk Mastery: If you're using your Sabreno coffee to make the perfect Flat White, Latte or Capaccino, spending the time to master milk texture with the frothing wand is key. Finding the right angle of the wand with the right amount of milk in the frothing tub will take some practice. However, nailing this part will enable you to create thicker texture that is velvety to really show off to your guests. 

As your beans age, you will need to adjust the grind to be finer in order to allow the right volume of water through. The key is to be consistent with your extraction time and adjust your grind to ensure you end up with between 35ml - 50ml of liquid gold!

Plunger (French Press) method: Simplicity Meets Richness

The French press is perfect for highlighting the natural oils and flavours of Sabreno coffee blends. Here are the steps we take for a rich and full-bodied cup using this method:

- Grind Size: Use a coarse grind (800-1000 microns). This prevents sediment from passing through the filter and ensures an even extraction.

- Coffee-to-Water Ratio: Use a ratio of 1:15 (one gram of coffee for every 15 grams of water). For example, 30 grams of coffee would require 450 grams of water.

- Water Temperature: Heat your water to 95°C. If you don’t have a thermometer, bring the water to a boil and let it cool for around 45 seconds.

- Brewing Process: Add your coffee to the French press, pour in the water, and stir gently. Let the coffee steep for 4 minutes, then press the plunger down slowly and evenly. Serve immediately to avoid over-extraction.

Stovetop (Moka Pot): Bold and Strong

For a bold and concentrated brew, Sabreno Charge works beautifully with this method.

- Grind Size: Use a medium-fine grind (400-600 microns). Avoid overly fine grinds as they can clog the filter and cause uneven brewing.

- Water Preparation: Fill the bottom chamber with hot water up to just below the safety valve. Using hot water reduces the time the coffee spends on the heat, preventing bitterness.

- Filling the Coffee Basket: Fill the basket with ground coffee and level it off without compressing the grounds. This ensures even brewing.

- Heat Setting: Place the Moka pot on medium heat. Avoid using high heat as it can scorch the coffee.

- Brewing Process: Once the coffee starts gurgling, remove the pot from the heat immediately. Let it finish brewing off the residual heat to prevent over-extraction.

By following these detailed steps, you can unlock the full potential of your Sabreno coffee. Whether you’re savouring a bold espresso or a rich French press brew, Sabreno Coffee Beans will ensure every cup is a masterpiece.

If you still have questions or need support, reach out to us at support@sabreno.com

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